2023-12-19 21:43:24 -

2023-12-25 12:50:30 -

2023-12-21 09:12:07 -

2023-12-18 17:58:09 -

2023-12-27 14:41:10 -

2023-12-17 11:58:33 -
外观颜值:看起来大气,感觉不错 材质手感:摸起来很柔软,舒服,不像我上个钱包那么硬 容量空间:基本满足了我的装卡和装钱的要求 做工细节:细节也还处理的可以,还行 整体感觉还是非常不错的,能用多久,要时间检验!

2023-12-18 13:15:07 -

2023-12-16 11:07:14 -

2023-12-20 09:31:41 -
双十一买的 用了券 价格很划算 100多块钱嫩肤买到这种书包很好 比小米的成熟一些 后背有弹簧 容量大 分仓 质量很好 结实 成熟

2023-12-23 03:50:41 -


九月的第一個星期一,是美國法定國家假日, 勞工節。今天,不上班,初秋一杯茶,一碟葵花子,閒聊一下勞工節。勞工節的由來,源遠流長,大大超乎常人們的先入為主和主觀臆斷。不過,那不是本文要着眼之點。

與資本產生價值的另一方,有著密不可分的干系的,自然便是勞工。簡而言之,華爾街與企業股權人,木匠、飛行員、大學教授、鋼鐵工人、服務業勞工們、娛樂劇本作家、電影演員 ...... ,組織起來的各種工會,應該是一個銅板的兩面。置身車城,當然會從最熟悉的地方來侃。

國際美國汽車、航空航天和農機具工人聯合會,更廣為人知的名稱是美國汽車工人聯合會 (UAW),是代表美國(包括波多黎各)和加拿大安大略省南部工人的美國工會。 它作為 20 世紀 30 年代工業組織大會 (CIO) 的一部分成立,並在 1936 年至 1950 年代迅速發展。 該工會在沃爾特·魯瑟(Walter Reuther,1946-1970 年總統)領導下的民主黨自由派中發揮了重要作用。 它以為汽車工人提供高工資和養老金而聞名,但在 20 世紀 70 年代之後,它無法將外國汽車製造商在韓國建造的汽車工廠加入工會,會員數量不斷下降; 其原因包括自動化程度的提高、勞動力使用的減少、製造業的轉移(包括對北美自由貿易協定的反應)以及全球化程度的提高。

21 世紀的 UAW 成員從事的行業包括汽車和汽車零部件、醫療保健、賭場賭博和高等教育。 該工會總部位於密歇根州底特律。 截至 2022 年 2 月 24 日,UAW 在 600 多個地方工會中擁有超過 391,000 名活躍會員和超過 580,000 名退休會員,並與約 1,600 家雇主簽訂了 1,150 份合同。 其持有資產達1,026,568,450美元。

由此可見,它遠遠不止是汽車制造行業的汽車工人公會。UAW 其實應該算是名符其實的人力資源公司。人力,是它最大的資源,UAW 出面與人們熟悉的傳統公司談生意、簽合同,三年、四年或五年一合約。

UAW 在美國勞工聯合會 (AFL) 的支持下於 1935 年 5 月在密歇根州底特律成立。UAW 很快就組織靜坐罷工取得了成功,首先是 1936 年在佐治亞州亞特蘭大的通用汽車公司工廠,而更著名的是 1936 年 12 月 29 日開始的弗林特靜坐罷工。 1937 年2 月,密歇根州州長弗蘭克·墨菲(Frank Murphy) 充當調解人,與通用汽車公司就UAW 的承認進行談判。 下個月,克萊斯勒汽車工人在靜坐罷工中贏得了美國汽車工人聯合會作為他們代表的認可。 到 1937 年中期,新工會已擁有 150,000 名會員,並擴展到密歇根州、俄亥俄州、印第安納州和伊利諾伊州等汽車和零部件製造城鎮。

UAW 的下一個目標,是長期抵制工會化的福特汽車公司。 亨利·福特(Henry Ford)毫不掩飾他是種族歧視的代表,福特雇用了有名的德州黑邦,經理哈里·貝內特(Harry Bennett)使用蠻力將工會排除在福特之外,他的福特服務部門被設立為公司內部的內部安全、恐嚇和間諜部門,就是福特的東廠。 它毫不猶豫地對工會組織者和同情者使用暴力,結果暴力超越弱勢的工人,他暴揍了在罷工現場,應《底特律新聞》攝影記者要求擺拍的工會領袖,從紐約趕來報導罷工的記者們的相機抓了個正着。無冕之王的記者們,哪裡受得了這個,暴徒大打出手、記者似鏡頭中頭破血流的海量照片,衝上各大報端頭版,新聞媒體的鋪天蓋地,壓跨了老福特。直到 1941 年,福特才同意與 UAW 達成集體談判協議。

共產黨提供了許多組織者並控制了當地主要工會,特別是代表最大的福特工廠的 Local 600。 共產黨控制了工會的一些關鍵職位,包括華盛頓辦事處、研究部和法律辦公室的主任職位。 沃爾特·魯瑟有時與共產黨人密切合作,但他和他的盟友在美國汽車工人聯合會內部戰略性地形成了反共產主義潮流。

UAW 發現,如果要成為與公司成功的談判機構,它就必須能夠堅持自己的立場,這意味著工會本身必須阻止工會成員的自發罷工和破壞性行為。 據一位作家稱,許多 UAW 成員都是極端的個人主義者,他們不喜歡被公司工頭或工會代理人發號施令。 UAW 的領導人意識到他們必須控制車間,正如魯瑟在 1939 年解釋的那樣:“我們必須證明我們是一個紀律嚴明、負責任的組織;我們不僅擁有權力,而且我們擁有受控制的權力。”

控制權力的考驗,始於第二次世界大戰。戰爭極大地改變了美國汽車工人聯合會的組織性質。 UAW執行委員會投票做出“不罷工”承諾,以確保戰爭努力不會因罷工而受到阻礙。 少數人強烈反對這一決定。 但後來會員們重申了這一承諾。隨著戰爭生產的增加和汽車工廠轉向坦克製造,UAW 在全國各地的工廠和飛機製造商中組織了新的當地人,並在 1944 年達到了超過 100 萬會員的頂峰。

沃爾特·魯瑟(Walter Reuther) 在1946 年UAW 制憲會議上當選為主席,並一直任職到1970 年5 月因飛機事故去世。魯瑟在美國歷史上工人最繁榮的時期之一領導了工會。 戰後不久,左翼分子要求“30-40”:即每週工作30小時,工資為40小時。 魯瑟拒絕了30-40 並決定把重點放在年工資總額上,表現出一種新的社團主義心態,接受管理層的論點,即較短的工作時間與工資增長和其他工作福利相衝突,並放棄了舊的對抗性工團主義立場,即較短的工作時間會提高工資並防止失業。UAW 通過談判為其會員提供了合同。 魯瑟會選擇“三大”汽車製造商之一,如果它不提供讓步,他就會打擊它,讓其他兩家吸收其銷量。 除了高小時工資和帶薪休假之外,1950 年,魯瑟還與通用汽車公司談判達成了一份業界第一份合同,稱為“底特律條約”,後來被稱為“魯瑟底特律條約”。 UAW 談判了克萊斯勒的雇主資助養老金、通用汽車的醫療保險以及 1955 年福特的補充失業救濟金。 許多較小的供應商紛紛效仿並從中受益。

魯瑟試圖通過每份合同為消費者談判降低汽車價格,但成效有限。 與美國汽車公司的利潤分享協議毫無結果,因為這家小公司的利潤很小。 UAW 的範圍擴大到包括航空航天和農具行業等其他主要行業的工人。

UAW 領導層支持新政聯盟的計劃,大力支持公民權利,並大力支持林登·約翰遜的偉大社會。 UAW 在 20 世紀 40 年代末通過《塔夫脫-哈特利法案》驅逐其共產黨領導人後,變得強烈反共,並支持越南戰爭並反對反戰的民主黨候選人。 

UAW 是 1970 年第一個地球日最重要的外部財務和運營支持者。地球日首任國家協調員 Denis Hayes 表示,“如果沒有 UAW,首屆地球日很可能會失敗!”

1973年石油禁運後,燃油價格上漲導緻美國汽車製造商的市場份額被更注重燃油效率的外國製造商奪走。 這開始了多年的裁員和減薪,美國汽車工人聯合會發現自己不得不放棄幾十年來為工人贏得的許多福利。這種情況在 1979 年克萊斯勒幾近破產時達到頂峰。1985 年,該工會的加拿大分部因談判策略爭議而與 UAW 脫離,並成立了加拿大汽車工人作為一個獨立工會。 具體來說,加拿大分部聲稱他們被用來向公司施壓,要求獲得額外福利,而這些福利主要流向了美國會員。

20 世紀 70 年代後,美國汽車工人聯合會 (UAW) 的成員數量不斷減少。 1979 年,會員人數突破 150 萬,2006 年降至 54 萬。隨著 2000 年代末經濟衰退和 2008-10 年汽車行業危機,通用汽車和克萊斯勒根據破產法第 11 章申請重組。 2010年,活躍會員人數下降至39萬名,其中超過60萬名退休會員享受養老金和醫療保健計劃。

UAW 參與政治,在中美關係復蘇的初期,還有瓜葛。大眾對美國第四十一任總統喬治·布什(George Herbert Walker Bush)曾任北京聯絡處主任記憶尤新,但民主黨上台後,促進中美建交則離不開另一位,伍德科克。

倫納德·弗里爾·伍德科克(Leonard Freel Woodcock),1970年當選 UAW主席,1977年從工會退休,並被吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)總統任命為美國駐北京聯絡處主任,在沒有充分外交授權的情況下,該聯絡處充當了事實上的美國駐中華人民共和國大使館。 同一時期,伍德科克受命率領特別代表團前往老撾和越南尋找戰俘或失踪的美國士兵。

1979年,在領導與中華人民共和國建立全面外交關係的談判後,伍德科克被任命為首任美國駐華大使。 他是自1949年司徒雷登擔任駐中華民國大使以來首位駐中國大陸大使。 儘管有人質疑任命一名勞工領袖來領導這一微妙的外交使命,但卡特堅稱他需要一名談判代表。

2000 年,卡特在白宮慶祝最惠國待遇 20 週年的演講中說:我必須做出的選擇之一是派誰去中國與鄧小平開始秘密談判; 他是這個國家無可爭議的統治者。 我選擇了一位美國勞工運動的高級政治家倫納德·伍德科克(Leonard Woodcock)——我想,他受到這個國家每一個工會成員或非工會成員的工人的尊重,他也受到所有人的尊重。那些與他打過交道的管理層。 他是我在北京的私人代表。倫納德·伍德科克在白宮直接與我合作,成功談判了外交關係正常化的條款。 1979 年 1 月的第一天,我們建立了這些關係。 那一年,倫納德·伍德科克(Leonard Woodcock)仍然對美國勞工運動非常熟悉,並且對美國勞工運動也很感興趣,他於1979 年與中國談判達成了第一個貿易協定,即最惠國協定。現在20 年來,每年都有國會已經確認了他的決定和我的決定。


本月十四日午夜十一時五十九分,是 UAW 與 GM, Ford 和 Stellantis 上期合約到期的截止日期。新的談判是跟工會組織改革以後,第一次由工會會員直接選舉產生的工會領導人對決。


工會的立場在於,自 2009 年以來會犧牲自己利益,支持公司生存而減去的 COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment)需要恢復。公司 CEO 四年上漲 40%的幅度,工人們的薪資未來四年也要掛鈎地漲40%。


視目以待 ......

A little hard to break in. After that I was well pleased.
- Guam

I love these shoes. This is my 3rd pair of them. Very comfortable
- Switzerland

They arrived quickly and as described.... I like the comfort and the colors....
- Singapore

My husband likes these and this is like the 4th pair I have ordered as he wears them out.
- Switzerland

The Nike Air Monarch IV 415445-001 Men's Performance Running Shoes feels comfortable and great for walking
- Liberia

I ordered these for my husband who needed black shoes for work. He says they are very comfortable and fit perfectly!
- Switzerland

Love these! Perfect shoes for a letter carrier! Pair these with happystep memory foam insoles and you get to walk on pillows all day!
- Switzerland

My husband has wore this brand for awhile now. We normally got them from JC Penney's but found them on for a lower price. Happy with the purchase.
- Singapore

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Liberia

This is my husband's favorite shoe for comfort! He wears them for 'good' and when his older ones wear out, he rotates the newer one for work, and orders a new pair. He says they provide him with the perfect amount of support!
- Singapore

2024-01-12 08:58:45--
The workmanship is particularly good. It is very tall and convenient to use. The sound effect is also good. The endurance is enough at present.

2024-01-12 08:58:13--
It has many functions and looks very stylish when worn. It also comes with a watch strap that can be easily changed and worn, all of which look great.

2024-01-12 08:58:04--
It's great to take it for a run when I first arrived today. Whether it's sound quality or comfort, it's worth killing all opponents in this price range.

2024-01-12 08:55:49--
The quality of the earphones is also good. They are exquisite, beautiful and atmospheric. The wireless earphones are very convenient to use. They are generally very good. The logistics is also fast.

2024-01-12 08:53:30--
The sound quality of this earphone is quite good. The sound quality is good and clear. There is no current sound when listening to music. Two earphones can be connected separately. It is enough for daily use, listening to music and watching videos, and the stereo effect is great. The charging chamber has a lot of weight, and the size is just right. Sports running is also good, will not fall off, very light. The sound is stereoscopic, and the headset is small and light. The earphone fits the ear well.

2024-01-12 08:50:32--
So let me explain why i gave it a small rating. The reason is because this boot is misleading. It’s advertised as bottega and although it looks similar it is not it. This is almost like the 99 cent store version of bottega. It does not contain the bottega logo on the boot at all. So that made me mad for the price. I don’t think this price is accurate to this boot if it doesn’t have the logo. Now the boot does it well, just go up a half size for comfort. But i wouldn’t buy this again from here i would rather find another seller who actually has logo on boot for similar price.

2024-01-12 08:49:55--
Had potential, but the ankle strapping was awkward and not fitted to a human foot. Base of shoe and construction was overall nice I just wish the same attention was given to the strapping

2024-01-12 08:45:52--
The best I’ve purchased on this app, amazing amazing amazing

2024-01-04 19:05:06--
trainers look great! true to size and look pretty real to me. shipping was fast too

2024-01-04 19:04:10--
So happy with these. They look like the real thing! Definitely going to buy more from this seller. Delivered in 3.5 weeks

2024-01-04 19:03:55--
Have worn and jogged for many yearsamp;amp;#40;30yrsamp;amp;#41; in Nike Air shoes and have not had the knee problems of many of my contemporaries.

2024-01-04 19:00:58--
Nickel sneakers, on the other hand 2 months of waiting before receiving them but bonh era covid what is nothing surprising, just a little small, see maybe a size above

2024-01-04 18:59:43--
Thanks very fast shipping Thanks again

2024-01-04 18:59:32--
Received quickly, and confirms the description

2024-01-04 18:59:07--
Very good article in accordance with the photo and send very fast thank you

2024-01-04 18:53:09--
These are everything!! Better than I expected shipping was fast the only reason for the 4 Star instead of 5 was because the shoes didn’t come in a box so they were smashed down in the front. But overall nice shoe very comfortable I ordered a half size smaller.

2024-01-04 18:52:35--
love them! very true to size, can hardly tell they are fake

2024-01-04 18:52:34--
I really love this shoe you canamp;apos;t even tell if it fake compare to the real ones. Iamp;apos;m definitely shopping here again

2024-01-04 18:52:05--
looks good

2024-01-04 18:49:21--
Fantastic great quality son liked

2024-01-04 18:49:08--
The size is just right very satisfied!

2024-01-04 18:41:33--
It looks nice just a little tight I don’t think it’s a size 13 but I like it

2024-01-04 18:41:22--
Shoes jus like I thought !! Shipping just very long !

2024-01-04 18:40:49--
feel nice.

2024-01-04 18:38:03--
So perfect in every category

2024-01-04 18:36:57--
Thanks to the boss, send a sincere praise!

2024-01-04 18:34:56--
I like it very much! It's what I want! Thank you!

2024-01-04 09:21:36--
The glasses are very good, clear, not dizzy, with good shading effect, fine quality and workmanship.

2024-01-04 09:20:28--
This specific item arrives and is perfect. But don’t trust this seller, I buy 3 items and only sent me 2. After a lot of messages seller want me to buy again in and then they will be send me the missing piece. After I refuse, the seller don’t want to refund the amount I pay for the item missing. Horrible customer services

2024-01-04 09:19:30--
The birks are honestly very good 1:1 just make sure u size up 1 because my heel is at the very back, other than that perfect, suede is mid tho

2024-01-04 09:19:20--
Shoes took a minute to come and got a lil damage in the shipping process. All in all it’s a good shoe just wish it came in a box to protect the shoe thx again for the service .

2024-01-04 09:18:41--
Wow fast shipping

2024-01-04 09:17:41--
love these shoes I will be ordering more from this vinder

2024-01-04 09:14:32--
Very unsatisfied

2024-01-04 09:14:23--
U can tell there fake! Easily

2024-01-04 09:13:56--
Nice but size up

2024-01-04 09:08:02--
This crossbody bag is really great. Having the perfect size, it perfectly fits everything women need. Equipped with card clip and zipper in the middle. I ordered two wallets from the same supplier, which is definitely recommended. The chain is heavy, but this makes it look more like a real chain. I ordered black and arrived in Dallas, Texas in less than 2 weeks. Can't wait to order more from this seller.

2024-01-04 09:07:03--
Changed color and broke easily.

2024-01-04 09:05:11--
Absolutely stunning. I was so surprised at the quality of this necklace that I have to buy another one. Super happy trip with a Purchase.

2024-01-04 09:04:40--
FAST SHIPPING CAME IN A WEEK! Love the necklace so shiny

2024-01-04 09:02:37--
Super fast shipping. Great communication skills and outstanding customer service.Excellent Quality and perfect fit. I bought 2 pairs and i will be buying a 3rd pair soon.

2024-01-04 09:02:20--
Missing 1 xs earbud

2024-01-04 09:02:03--
Good, moderate thickness

2024-01-04 09:00:15--
Strong endurance, excellent sound quality and comfortable wearing.

2024-01-04 08:58:36--
The headphones are of good quality, easy to use and sound quality, which is very satisfactory.

2024-01-04 08:55:18--
It took me almost a month to evaluate it. I was very satisfied with every aspect. The connection is very convenient and the design is very cool. It's my favorite model. The sound quality is good. It's very comfortable to wear when commuting. The endurance is also very strong.

2024-01-04 00:06:28--
Excellent workmanship

2024-01-04 00:05:14--
my experience was horrible. I was sent the wrong item. I was informed I would have to pay for shipping to return by bag . All I was told was FRIEND THIS WAS WHAT YOU ORDERED. NO IT IS NOT.

2024-01-04 00:04:44--
The letters are large compared to a real one or even a good quality knock off and there’s this black trim that goes around it that makes it look very cheap but shipping was fast

2024-01-04 00:01:42--
Wallet is nice, the name stamped on the leather is a little double-exposed,

2024-01-03 23:59:28--
So cute! Loved it

2024-01-03 23:56:15--
Not the best doupe but okay for the price

2024-01-03 23:55:28--
You will be amazed at the quality of this product.

2024-01-03 23:55:26--
So cute so realistic looking!!! Definitley reccomend it

2024-01-03 23:54:18--
I love everything about my bag, the feel is top notch and the color is perfect!

2024-01-03 23:52:53--
Can not even explain how gorgeous these are. My clients love them, putting in my 3rd order! Seller is probably the best on here!!

2024-01-03 23:50:55--
1:1 replica. Such good quality Super quick shipping

2024-01-03 23:50:54--
Delighted with product. Great quality and finish on detail

2024-01-03 23:50:43--
Super fast shipping. Bag is beautiful and I will be ordering from this seller again.

2024-01-03 23:49:44--
Very pretty and looks almost identical to the**Felicie Pochette Azur! This is a clutch style bag but it can also be used as a crossbody bag because it comes with a chain. The bag also includes two additional pieces, one that looks like a card holder with slots for dollar bills, and a thin style zippered pouch for accessories! Comes with a box and dust bag for safekeeping, shipping is around 2-3 weeks, and communication with the seller is good.

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 778 reviews)

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